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【Learn Chinese】10 Chinese Chengyu about Dragons (Part 2)
Let's uncover the meaning and mystery of more of these ancient phrases about dragons together! This is part two of our article.
画龙点睛 (huà lóng diǎn jīng)
"画龙点睛": "画'" means paint, "龙" means dragon, "点" means dot, "睛" means eyes.
"画龙点睛", which means "paint a dragon, dot the eyes". This idiom is used to describe something that is perfect or complete. It can also be used to describe a person who has a very good understanding of something and is able to add the finishing touch.
Example: 他的演讲画龙点睛,令人印象深刻。 (Tā de yǎnjiǎng huà lóng diǎn jīng, lìng rén yìnxiàng shēnkè.) - His speech was the finishing touch, leaving a deep impression on people.
望龙兴叹 (wàng lóng xīng tàn)
"望龙兴叹": "望" means look, "龙" means dragon, "兴" means rise, "叹" means sigh.
"望龙兴叹", or "to look at a dragon and sigh". This idiom is often used to describe the feeling of awe or admiration when witnessing something extraordinary.
Example: 面对他的成功,我只能望龙兴叹。 (Miàn duì tā de chénggōng, wǒ zhǐnéng wàng lóng xīng tàn.) - In the face of his success, I can only sigh with awe.
龙潭虎穴 (lóng tán hǔ xué)
"龙潭虎穴": "龙" means dragon, "潭" means pool, "虎" means tiger, "穴" means den.
"龙潭虎穴", which translates to "dragon pool, tiger den". This idiom is used to describe a dangerous or risky place or situation.
For example, you might say: "他敢去那个龙潭虎穴,真是太勇敢了" (tā gǎn qù nàgè lóng tán hǔ xué, zhēnshi tài yǒnggǎnle) - He dared to go to that dangerous place, he's really brave.
潜龙勿用 (qián lóng wù yòng)
"潜龙勿用": "潜" means hidden, "龙" means dragon, "勿" means do not, "用'" means use.
"潜龙勿用", or "hidden dragon, do not use". This idiom is used to describe someone who is talented but does not have the opportunity to display their talents.
For example, you might say : "他是一个潜龙勿用的人,应该给他一个机会" (tā shì yīgè qián lóng wù yòng de rén, yīnggāi gěi tā yīgè jīhuì) - He is a talented person who has not had the opportunity to display his talents, he should be given a chance.
龙飞凤舞 (lóng fēi fèng wǔ)
"龙飞凤舞": "龙" means dragon, "飞" means fly, "凤" means phoenix, "舞" means dance.
"龙飞凤舞", which means "the dragon flies and the phoenix dances". This idiom is often used to describe beautiful and flowing handwriting or dancing.
Example: 她的书法龙飞凤舞,很有气势。 (tā de shūfǎ lóng fēi fèng wǔ, hěn yǒu qìshì) - Her calligraphy is beautiful and flowing, very impressive.