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【Learn Chinese】Learn Household Appliances In The Kitchen
Household appliances are essential to any kitchen, making our lives easier and more convenient. From brewing a fresh cup of coffee in the morning to keeping our food fresh and cool, these appliances play a crucial role in our daily routines.
So, in this post, you’ll learn five Chinese words for household appliances found in most kitchens.
Coffee machine 咖啡机 (kā fēi jī)
Chinese has many English loanwords. If you listen carefully, you can guess their meaning. For example, doesn’t 咖啡 (kā fēi; coffee) sound a lot like the English word “coffee”? And, 机 (jī) is “machine.”
Coffee machines are a staple in many households. They come in various styles, from simple drip coffee makers to more advanced models that can brew different coffee styles, such as espresso and cappuccino. Some coffee machines even have built-in grinders, allowing you to use freshly ground beans for a truly delicious cup of coffee.
Refrigerator 冰箱 (bīng xiāng)
The Chinese word for “fridge/refrigerator” consists of two characters: 冰 (ice) and 箱 (box), literally, ice box. Refrigerators are another essential appliance that can be found in almost every kitchen. They come in a range of sizes and styles, including top-freezer, bottom-freezer, and side-by-side models. Some refrigerators even have smart features, such as the ability to connect to your phone and monitor the temperature and inventory of your fridge.
Blender 果汁机 (guǒ zhī jī)
果汁 (guǒ zhī) is short for 水果汁 and means “fruit juice.” And, 机 (jī) is the same as in 咖啡机 (kā fēi jī). So, the machine makes fruit juice is a “blender” (果汁机).
Blenders are versatile and convenient kitchen appliances that can be used for a variety of tasks, from blending smoothies and soups to pureeing fruits and vegetables. They come in different sizes and styles, from powerful countertop models to compact personal blenders. Some even come with multiple speed settings, allowing you to blend and chop food to your desired consistency.
Kettle 热水壶 (rè shuǐ hú)
热水壶 literally means “hot water jug.” To specifically refer to an “electric kettle,” you can add 电 (diàn) to the beginning of the word, i.e. 电热水壶 (diàn rè shuǐ hú).
Kettles are a simple yet essential kitchen appliance that can be found in almost every home. They come in a range of styles, from traditional stovetop kettles to more modern electric models. Some even come with advanced features, such as temperature control and automatic shut-off, making it easy and convenient to brew tea or coffee.
Oven 烤箱 (kǎo xiāng)
Lastly, we have 烤箱! 烤 means “to roast/to bake,” and 箱 (box) is the same as in 冰箱. Ovens are a must-have appliance in any kitchen, providing a convenient and efficient way to cook a variety of dishes. They come in different styles, including gas and electric models. Some ovens even come with advanced features, such as self-cleaning and convection cooking, which circulates hot air for faster and more even cooking.