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【Learn Chinese】How to Talk About Your Star Sign in Chines
Have you ever been asked about your star sign during a conversation? It’s a question that instantly sparks interest and connection. Many believe our zodiac signs tell a story about our personality, preferences, and past and future.
Now, imagine sharing that piece of yourself not only in your native language but in Chinese, too! In this post, you will learn the names of all 12-star signs and master forming complete sentences with them in Chinese.
In Chinese, “star sign” or “zodiac sign” translates to 星座 (xīng zuò). 星 stands for “star,” and 座 means “seat” or “base.” However, when referencing a specific star sign, 星 (xīng) is often omitted.
To denote it’s Western, we use 西方 (xī fāng), which means “Western.” Combine them, and you get 西方十二星座 (xīfānɡ shíèr xīnɡzuò), which translates to “12 Western zodiac signs.”
Capricorn 摩羯座 (mó jié zuò)
Aquarius 水瓶座 (shuǐ píng zuò)
Pisces 双鱼座 (shuāng yú zuò)
Aries 白羊座 (bái yáng zuò)
Taurus 金牛座 ((jīn niú zuò)
Gemini 双子座 (shuāng zǐ zuò)
Cancer 巨蟹座 (jù xiè zuò)
Leo 狮子座 (shī zi zuò)
Virgo 处女座 (chù nǚ zuò)
Libra 天秤座 (tiān chèng zuò)
Scorpio 天蝎座 (tiān xiē zuò)
Sagittarius 射手座 (shè shǒu zuò)
If you want to say which star sign you are, simply say “我是 …” (wǒ shì …) and add your zodiac sign.
For example: 我是射手座 (wǒ shì shè shǒu zuò) – I am a Sagittarius