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【Learn Chinese】New Year’s Resolutions in Chinese
New Year is a golden opportunity for fresh starts and dreaming big. It’s the season where many craft resolutions, outlining their aspirations for the coming months.
In this post, we’ve rounded up ten Chinese phrases to enrich your New Year’s resolutions for 2024.
New Year’s resolutions: 新年计划 (xīn nián jì huà)
Add 我的 (wǒ de) — which means “my” — at the beginning. Like this: 我的新年计划 …
Read more 多读书
As book lovers, one of our favorite resolutions is to read more each year. In Chinese, we say 多读书, and it’s pronounced as “duō dú shū.”
Exercise more 多运动
The promise of better health and vitality often leads many of us to resolve to exercise more with the arrival of the new year. The Chinese phrase for “exercise more” is 多运动, pronounced “duō yùn dòng.”
Spend time with loved ones 多陪家人
As the clock ticks into the new year, many of us cherish the moments with those dear to our hearts and aim to spend more quality time with them. In Chinese, this heartfelt resolution is expressed as 多陪家人, pronounced “duō péi jiā rén.”
Here are some alternatives of the people you might like to spend time with:
parents: 父母 (fù mǔ)
child/children: 孩子 (hái zi)
husband: 老公 (lǎo gōng)
wife: 老婆 (lǎo pó)
Learn new skills 学新技能
Every new year sparks a desire in many of us to pick up something new, whether it’s a hobby, an art, or a useful skill. In Chinese, the phrase for “learn new skills” is 学新技能, pronounced “xué xīn jì néng.”
Learn Chinese 学中文
Embarking on acquiring a new language is always a remarkable resolution. For instance, learning Chinese can be challenging and rewarding, giving you a gateway into one of the world’s oldest cultures.
In Chinese, “learn Chinese” is expressed as 学中文, pronounced “xué zhōng wén.”
If you’re eager to explore other languages, here’s how you’d say them in Chinese:
French: 法文 (fǎ wén)
German: 德文 (dé wén)
Spanish: 西班牙文 (xī bān yá wén)
Travel somewhere 去旅行
There’s a famous Chinese saying: 读万卷书,不如行万里路. (dú wàn juǎn shū, bù rú xíng wàn lǐ lù). It translates to, “Traveling a long way can teach you more than reading lots of books.”
Traveling is like stepping into a new world. We see new things, meet new people, and sometimes face challenges that make us grow.
If you’re thinking about travelling more in the new year, you can use the Chinese phrase 去旅行, pronounced “qù lǚ xíng.” 去 (qù) means “to go” and 旅行 (lǚ xíng) is “to travel.”
Spend less time on the phone 少滑手机
Are you looking to be more present in the real world and reduce screen time? It’s a common wish for many, especially in this digital age where our phones seem to rule our lives.
In Chinese, it’s easy to say this: 少滑手机, pronounced “shǎo huá shǒu jī.”