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【Learn Chinese】Car Brands in Chinese
The car market is experiencing a shift in China. With the huge population in China, the number of cars naturally continues to increase in a stable rate, which brings important traffic jams and pollution in Chinese big cities. The domestic new energy vehicles, as a solution to avoid the worst environment pollution, gain more and more market share with the strong support from Chinese government.
However, most of Chinese customers, while they purchase a new car, still show a preference to international brands of cars, such as BMW, Tesla and Mercedes-Benz.
But how to you say different car brands in Chinese? Here is a list for you.
AUDI: 奥迪 ào dí
BENTLEY: 宾利 bīn lì
BMW: 宝马 bǎo mǎ
BUGATTI: 布加迪 bù jiā dí
BUICK: 别克 bié kè
BYD: 比亚迪 bǐ yà dí
CHEVROLET: 雪佛兰 xuě fó lán
CITROEN: 雪铁龙 xuě tiě lóng
FERRARI: 法拉利 fǎ lā lì
FIAT: 菲亚特 fēi yà tè
FORD: 福特 fú tè
HONDA: 本田 běn tiàn
JAGUAR: 捷豹 jié bào
JEEP: 吉普 jÍ pǔ
LAMBORGHINI: 兰博基尼 lán bó jī ní
LAND ROVER: 路虎 lù hǔ
LEXUS: 雷克萨斯 léi kè sà sī
MASERATI: 玛莎拉蒂 mǎ shā lā dì
MAZDA: 马自达 mǎ zì dá
MERCEDES-BENZ: 奔驰 bēn chí
MG: 名爵 míng jué
NISSAN: 日产 rì chǎn
OPEL: 欧宝 ōu bǎo
PEUGEOT: 标致 biāo zhì
PORSCHE: 保时捷 bǎo shí jié
RENAULT: 雷诺 léi nuò
TOYOTA: 丰田 fēng tiān
TESLA: 特斯拉 tè sī lā
VOLKSWAGEN: 大众 dà zhòng
VOLVO: 沃尔沃 wò ěr wò
The three best translated Chinese brands name:
AUDI奥迪: The pronunciation of its Chinese name is similar with its English name. Literally, “奥” means mysterious and “迪” means enlighten and advance. Besides, “奥” also means their cars are full of mysteries and as a result, they always catch eyes of customers. It is obvious that its Chinese name has a wonderful meaning: the company promises to keep on enlightening and produce the advanced high quality car.
BMW宝马: There is no obvious link between its English name and Chinese name’s signification and pronunciation. But, it is still a great translated name in Chinese. First, the initials of its Chinese name, “宝马” is BM, which links directly to BMW. Second , “宝马”means precious horses, and Chinese usually connects a precious horse with a precious car in minds. So the Chinese name exactly conforms the company’s aim: the luxury driving pleasure. Besides, Chinese has had a tradition: to offer a previous horse as a gift to a hero. Thus the Chinese brand name just flatters targeted consumers. The abundance of connotation of Chinese culture and language adds un great nobility to its original name and helps the car gain a luxury image.
TESLA特斯拉: There is a similar pronunciation between the English brand and Chinese brand. “特” means special and “斯”, in Chinese, means a kind of gem. And “拉” means pull. Connected with the brand, it shows that the company produces special and trendy cars which are of high quality. The products are the gems and shine brightly among the car market . As a result, the targeted customers will be attracted by their trendy and avant-garde image and come to buy their products. Along with the good quality of its products and the special Chinese name, no wonder this brand gains great success in Chinese market.