MandarinMorning ChineseSchool
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【Learn Chinese】Chinese Lesson: Fruits
Want to learn all the different kinds of fruit in Chinese? Then you’ve come to the right place.
Time to get healthy! What better way to get started than to fill up the shopping basket with some fruit!
Maybe you have already learned the most common fruits like apple or banana. But you haven’t learned the fruit you were looking for yet? Not to worry we’ve translated them all with this helpful mega list of fruit in Chinese.
Apple: 苹果 píng guǒ
Apricot: 杏 xìng
Avocado: 牛油果 niú yóu guǒ
Banana: 香蕉 xiāng jiāo
Blackberry: 黑莓 hēi méi
Blackcurrant: 黑树莓 hēi shù méi
Blueberry: 蓝莓 lán méi
Cherry: 樱桃 yīng táo
Coconut: 椰子 yē zi
Cranberry: 蔓越莓 màn yuè méi
Date: 枣 zǎo
Dragonfruit: 火龙果 huǒ lóng guǒ
Durian: 榴莲 liú lián
Goji Berry: 枸杞 gǒu qǐ
Grape: 葡萄 pú táo
Grapefruit: 柚子 yòu zi
Guava: 番石榴 fān shí liu
Jackfruit: 菠萝蜜 bō luó mì
Jujube: 枣 zǎo
Kiwifruit: 猕猴桃 mí hóu táo
Kumquat: 金橘 jīn jú
Lemon: 柠檬 níng méng
Lime: 酸橙 suān chéng
Loquat: 枇杷 pí pá
Longan: 龙眼 lóng yǎn
Lychee: 荔枝 lì zhī
Mango: 芒果 máng guǒ
Mangosteen: 山竹 shān zhú
Melon: 瓜 guā
Cantaloupe: 哈密瓜 hā mì guā
Watermelon: 西瓜 xī guā
Mulberry: 桑葚 sāng shèn
Nectarine: 油桃 yóu táo
Orange: 橙 chéng
Tangerine: 柑橘 gān jú
Papaya: 番木瓜 gān mù guā
Passion fruit: 百香果 bǎi xiāng guǒ
Peach: 桃子 táo zi
Pear: 梨 lí
Persimmon: 柿子 shì zi
Plantain: 芭蕉 bā jiāo
Plum: 李子 lǐ zǐ
Prune: 西梅 xī méi
Pineapple: 菠萝 bō luó
Pomegranate: 石榴 shí liu
Raspberry: 树莓 shù méi
Rambutan: 荔枝 lì zhī
Strawberry: 草莓 cǎo méi