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【Learn Chinese】Chinese Lesson: Cryptocurrency (Part 1)
We always strive to bring you any new hot topics that emerge which is why today we’ll be talking all about cryptocurrency in Chinese.
Cryptocurrency = 加密货币 jiāmì huòbì
This word is made up of the characters for encrypt (加密 jiāmì) and currency (货币 huòbì).
If you want to break it down even further the word encrypt literally means “add” (加 jiā) “secret/confidential” (密 mì) which really makes a lot of sense when you think about what encryption actually does. The word currency literally means “money/goods” (货 huò) “coin” (币 bì), again makes perfect sense!
Cryptocurrency Names in Chinese
Next , we have the different cryptocurrency names in Chinese. First up has to of course be the coin that started it all.
Bitcoin = 比特币 bǐtèbì.
As you can probably tell, this is a transliteration of “bit” with “coin” (币 bì) added. However, there is another name for bitcoin in Chinese which is a translation of bitcoin instead: 位元币 wèiyuánbì.
Following on from bitcoin we of course have altcoin which in Chinese is 山寨币 shānzhàibì. 
山寨 shānzhài literally means “mountain” “stronghold”, but it has become a humorous term for counterfeit or copycat in Chinese. For example, counterfeit goods can be called 山寨货 shānzhàihuò.
So, the name for altcoin in Chinese is “counterfeit coin”, as all altcoins are all technically copies of bitcoin that makes sense! Originally altcoin was actually called 竞争币 jìngzhēng bì in Chinese which translates to “competition coin”, again a very literal translation of what altcoin is.
Anyone familiar with cryptocurrency will also know that there are also some slang terms within that, so what is the Chinese for some of those?
Well, shitcoin in Chinese has two (much more PC) translations: 空气币 kōngqìbì and 垃圾币 lājī bì.
These literally translate to “air” coin and “rubbish” coin.
Opposite to that we have blue chip coin, which is 主流币 zhǔliúbì, meaning “mainstream” coin.
Now, let’s have a look at 10 of the most common altcoin cryptocurrencies:
Ethereum (ETH) 以太坊 yǐtàifāng
Litecoin (LTC) 莱特币 láitèbì
Cardano (ADA) 艾达币 àidábì
Polkadot (DOT) 波卡币 bōkǎbì
Bitcoin cash (BCH) 比特现金 bǐtè xiànjīn
Stellar (XLM) 恒星币 héngxīngbì
Dogecoin (DOGE) 狗狗币 gǒugǒubì
Binance Coin (BNB) 币安币 bìānbì
Tether (USDT) 泰达币 tàidábì
Monero (XMR) 门罗币 ménluóbì