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【Learn Chinese】Types of Traditional Chinese Massage
If you go to a massage spa, there are several different types of massages you can get. Chinese massages can focus on certain parts of the body, like the back, neck or feet, or you can also choose to get a full body massage.
These types of massages utilize the methods massaging and kneading to help relieve tension. However, Chinese massage techniques also include more interesting methods. Here are two examples:
Cupping Therapy
Cupping therapy, or fire cupping (拔罐法 bá guàn fǎ), is an ancient technique dating back thousands of years. This method utilizes special cups made of glass, bamboo, earthenware, or silicone to create a suction on the back. This type of therapy is supposed to help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, and to generally help the client relax.
To create the suction, the massage therapist lights a small fire inside the cup. When the fire goes out, the cup is place upside down on the skin, and the cooling air creates a suction that pulls the skin up and causes it to harden and redden. The cups are left on for a few minutes then removed.
After the cupping session, the outline of the cups are clearly visible, as the technique isn’t very gentle on the skin. However, your skin should go back to normal in about 10 days.
Blind Person Traditional Chinese Massage
Another interesting type of traditional Chinese massage common in China is less about the technique than the masseuse. These massages are done by blind therapists.
Blind massages (盲人按摩 mángrén ànmó) are quite popular in China. Blind masseuses are said to have a more sensitive sense of touch and can therefore identify muscle knots and spots of tension more easily and naturally.