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【Learn Chinese】How to Use a Chinese Keyboard (Part 2)
You want to learn how to use a Chinese keyboard? Make sure to check out part one to learn how to set up the Chinese keyboard on your computer or mobile phone.
Input Methods
Once you’ve got your Chinese keyboard, now you can start using it! Firstly, choose a method that suits you.
The most standard and easy to use method is the Pinyin input method.
You may prefer to use the radical input method, if you are unsure about how to spell the pinyin of the character.
Or, if you are confident with you’re writing, write out the character with your finger and it will magically appear!
For typing longer sentences, or generally anything more than a couple of characters, you’ll probably want to stick with the pinyin input method.
Choosing the Right Character
Once you’ve typed your word, phrase, or short sentence into pinyin, it will come up with some character suggestions.
Typing in Chinese pinyin means that there are many characters you can type which may use the same pinyin but have different tones. The Chinese keyboard will select characters from those most used, but if you want to select a different one you can use the arrow keys to select a different one, then press space.
If you’re writing a couple of characters together or a phrase that is often written as one phrase, characters should come up automatically in the suggested box. For example, the pinyin ‘jiu dian’ was typed. This, amongst other things, could mean either hotel, or 9 o’clock.
Use the arrow keys, your mouse or the numbers on the keypad to select the one you want, then hit space and the character will appear.
There are keyboard shortcuts based on frequency of using the word/phrase you can use, which also work on your mobile device. For example:
nh = 你好 (nǐ hǎo)
wsm = 为什么 (wèi shénme)
hjbj = 好久不见 (hǎo jiǔ bú jiàn)
hh = 哈哈 (haha/lol)
bj = 北京 (Beijing)
xx = 谢谢 (xiè xiè)