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Food and Drink Brands in Chinese (Part 2)
You may or may not be aware that many foreign brands have their own brand names in Chinese. Today we want to look at food and drink brand names in Chinese. Here is part 2:
喜力 (Xǐlì) — Heineken
Notice Heineken’s Chinese name: 喜力 (Xǐlì), which means “Happiness Power“. Doesn’t really sound like the original does it. Neither does the meaning either, which in Dutch, is a surname meaning “son of little Hein”.
Why on earth did Heineken go with 喜力 (Xǐlì) then? In this case, the brand picked two words with a positive connotation in order to be perceived as local.
百事可乐 (Bǎishì kělè) — Pepsi
Pepsi in Chinese is known as 百事可乐 (bǎi shì kě lè). 百事 bǎi shì means “everything/a hundred things”, and 可乐 (kě lè) which means “cola” also means something “joyful” or “worth laughing”.
Therefore “百事可乐 bǎi shì kě lè” in Chinese sounds like “everything is joyful”.
Interestingly, back in the day, Pepsi introduced their slogan about “coming alive with the Pepsi generation” into the Chinese market. Unfortunately for them, they never did their research and found a pretty awkward translation which didn’t go down too well in China: “Pepsi brings your ancestors back from the grave”
星巴克 (xīng bā kè) — Starbucks
Starbucks’ Chinese name, 星巴克 (xīng bā kè), is a combination/mix between the translation of the first character and a phonetic transcription of the last two: the character 星 (xīng) means “star” and 巴克 (bā kè) is a purely phonetic transcription of “bucks”.
雀巢 (què cháo) — Nestle
The Swiss company Nestle owes its name to Henri Nestlé. Its Chinese name is 雀巢 (què cháo), which means “sparrow’s nest” and comes from the company logo.
It is said to symbolize a mother (bird) taking care of her children and it’s also considered to be a reference to the family name, which means ‘nest’ in German.
必胜客 (Bìshèng Kè) — Pizza Hut
Everyone likes pizza, right? No wonder you can also find Pizza Hut in China. 必胜 means “to be certain of victory” and 客 means “visitor, guest, customer”. So, Pizza Hut is certain to win all the customers.
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