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Top Chinese Apps you need in China (Part 2)
Coming to China for travels? Heading to China for a longer period to study Mandarin, work, or intern in China? Whatever the reason and however long you will be staying in China, we’ve put a list together of the best Chinese apps that are guaranteed to make your time in China easier and more enjoyable.
5. iQIYI
So, this app is for the more advanced learner – or those with Chinese friends who can help them out with Chinese reading every now and then.
The app is not (yet) available in English, but it has a lot of foreign content – including films and dramas in English and other European languages. It also has tonnes of Chinese films and dramas, so it’s a great way to practice your Chinese language skills!
You can use it on your phone or computer, just like Netflix. Except – it’s heaps cheaper. You can download lots of films and dramas onto your phone for offline use, and pick the quality so it doesn’t take up too much space on your phone. This is perfect if you’re traveling long distances in China!
6. AliPay
WeChat pay and AliPay are like Mastercard and Visa… You only really need one, because they both do the same job. However, many Chinese people have both. AliPay is particularly useful for those that want to use Taobao – the Chinese version of Amazon.
However, WeChat also used the JD platform (similar to Taobao, but actually quicker) so you can do this on WeChat too.
Going into any store, you should be able to pay via WeChat or Alipay. It is rare that they will only accept one of the two.
7. Baidu Maps
This top Chinese app is China’s version of Google Maps. Google maps is actually blocked by the so-called Great Firewall of China. This means using an app like Baidu is much easier especially when not connected to WiFi.
It has much more detailed information and works a lot quicker. You can also send location information, and it generally has better, quicker, and more features than Google Maps.
Unfortunately, BaiduMaps in English is not yet a thing… Many of the names will appear in Chinese, however, you can search for areas in English no problem! Definitely a must for navigating China, when you realise how big it is.
8. Taobao/Jingdong
A list wouldn’t be complete without mentioning two of China’s biggest apps, Taobao and Jingdong. Two behemoths in the Chinese app market.
Whatever you need, and I mean whatever, you can buy it here. Top class fashion labels, cheap tacky merchandise, food and groceries, football shirts, winter hats, headphones… everything is covered with these two!
If it’s great bargains you are after, join the chaos of November 11th, China’s very own Black Friday…
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