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Popular Tofu Dishes in China
Today many Chinese dishes contain bean curd; it has a subtle flavour and is used as both savoury and sweet dishes.
In case you don’t know where to start getting your tofu fix after all that, here are a few recommendations:
1. Mapo Tofu – 麻婆豆腐 (má pó dòufu)
This is a delicious Sichuan dish of soft bean curd chunks. It has lots of chilli and mouth-numbing Sichuan peppercorns. It generally contains ground pork for flavouring, but the vegetarian alternative Mala tofu is also delicious. It’s always good to check whether it contains meat when you order, just in case.
2. Drypot Tofu – 干锅豆腐 (gān guō dòufu)
This is a member of the hotpot family without the soup base. Different types of tofu can be used in this sort of dish, dry bean curd, bamboo bean curd, bean curd skin are all popular. Additionally, vegetables are often added to the mix.
3. Home-style Tofu – 家常豆腐 (jiācháng dòufu)
There are many home-style tofu recipes across China. Hunan home-style bean curd is one of the most common across the province. This dish is generally made with deep-fried tofu pieces, though often contains strips of pork, so be careful veggies. Simple vegetables such as spring onions or leeks are also often added.
4. Stinky Tofu – 臭豆腐 (chòu dòufu)
As the name suggests, you’ll probably smell this dish before you catch sight of it. It is usually sold at street stalls and markets as a snack rather than a main dish in a restaurant. There are lots of variations of this in China. One of the most famous is again Hunan-style.
5. Cold Marinated Bamboo Tofu – 凉拌腐竹 (liángbàn fǔzhú)
These chewy bean curd sticks are marinated with vinegar, garlic and sesame oil. It is often served with celery stalks, and is perfect for hot humid days when you want to eat something cold.
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