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Tofu Varieties you can find in China
When you first come to China you might be surprised by how many different things are translated into ‘tofu’ when you ask what you are eating.
Here’s a brief overview of Chinas big tofu variety:
Soft or firm tofu:
The texture of fresh bean curd ranges from silken to extra firm, with all the stages in between. The main difference comes from how much water is pressed out of the tofu. The firmer the tofu, the higher it will be in both protein and fat content.
There are also many other types of pre-prepared/partially cooked tofu products available.
Deep-fried tofu:
Deep-fried bean curd cubes are crispy around the edges and soft-centred.
Tofu Skin:
There are 3 main different types:
腐竹 (fǔ zhú) – bamboo tofu (named because it looks like bamboo)
油豆皮 (yóu dòu pí) – oily tofu skin
干豆皮 (gān dòu pí) – dry tofu skin.
All three are made from the dried and cooked skin of the soy milk as it’s being turned into bean curd.
Dry Tofu 豆腐干 (dòufu gān):
A tasty, vegan alternative to smoked cheese, dry bean curd needs little to no preparation.
Frozen Tofu 冻豆腐 (dòng dòufu):
You can buy pre-frozen bean curd to add to hot pot and other yummy dishes. It has a spongey texture when thawed out.
Fish Tofu:
Fish tofu is actually not tofu at all, it’s a starchy fish cube that has a tofu-like texture.
It usually does contain fish and soy bean oil.
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