MandarinMorning ChineseSchool
021-5213 9379
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Directions in Chinese
Fair to say your first challenge in China is going to be directions in Chinese.
Let’s start with the simple left and right in Chinese.
Left: 左边 zuǒ biān
Right: 右边 yòu biān
Go straight: 直走 zhí zǒu
Go backwards: 向后走 xiàng hòu zǒu
Great so you’re turning right and left in Chinese! Now let’s get a little more specific with going up and down in Chinese.
Up: 向上 xiàng shàng
Go up the stairs: 上楼梯 shàng lóu tī
Down: 向下 xiàng xià
Go down the escalators: 下电梯 xià diàn tī
Over: 过 guò
Go over the bridge: 过桥 guò qiáo
Through: 通过 tōng guò
Go through the park: 通过公园 tōng guò gong yuan
Arriving at your destination? Might help to be able to tell the driver to stop in Chinese. Try these helpful phrases.
Go back: 回去 huí qù
Go back to the restaurant: 回到餐厅去 huí dào cān tīng qù
Go past: 路过 lù guò
Go past the police station: 路过警察局 lù guò jǐng chá jú
Stop: 停 tíng
Please stop here: 请停在这里 qǐng tíng zài zhè lǐ
京 jīng in Chinese means capital city. Add these to North, East and South and see what happens.
North: 北 běi
East: 东 dōng
South: 南 nán
West: 西 xī
Across: 穿过 chuān guò
Go across the road: 穿过马路 chuān guò mǎ lù
Next to: 旁边 páng biān
The apartment is next to the train station: 公寓在火车站旁边 gōngyù zài huǒchē zhàn pángbiān
Traffic lights: 红绿灯 hóng lǜ dēng
At the traffic light turn right: 在红绿灯往右拐 zài hóng lǜ dēng wáng yòu guǎi
#Our teachers #

More than 10 years teaching experience

Master Degree

Certificate for teaching chinese as a foreign language

# About us #

Founded in 2007

Chinese test and training center

200+ Chinese teachers

5000+ students

# Contact us#


Phone number:021-52287809,13918358891
If you are interested to join Mandarin Morning school or want more details about our services, scan the following QR code.

Mandarin Morning

Chinese test center attached to Confucius institute headquarters

Authorized Test Center and Training Center for International Chinese Language Teacher Certificater

10 years+ ,200 teachers ,more 10000 students,200+companies