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Chinese Colors and Meanings (Part 2)
Green in Chinese – 绿色 lǜ sè
Does your business sell green hats? Well, I’ve got some bad news if you’re hoping to break into the Chinese market. Starting in the Yuan Dynasty (1279–1368) family members of prostitutes were forced to wear green hats.
Today, if you see someone wearing a green hat, they wish for you to know their partner had been unfaithful.
Aside from the odd green hat rule. Green in Chinese otherwise stands for clean and contamination free and is used on organic products.
Yellow in Chinese – 黄色 huáng sè
Yellow in Chinese represents the element of earth.
Yellow signifies neutrality and good luck and that’s why it’s common to see it paired with red.
Yellow in China traditionally symbolised power, royalty and prosperity. In Imperial China, yellow was the Emperor’s color.
Purple in Chinese – 紫色 zǐ sè
Purple in China represented divinity and immortality in ancient times.
That is still true to this day. Today purple in Chinese is more associated with love or romance particularly with younger generations.
Gray in Chinese – 灰色 huī sè
Grey in Chinese symbolises humbleness and unassumingness. In ancient times, ordinary people wore grey clothes and had grey houses.
Today, Grey in Chinese can be used to describe something dark, tarnished or represent gloomy weather and emotions.
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