MandarinMorning ChineseSchool
021-5213 9379
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Monopoly Game in Chinese
Playing a Monopoly game in Chinese would be an incredible way to test your Chinese abilities. You’ll not only have to master all the Chinese monopoly vocabulary, but also stay on your toes whilst playing the fast-paced game!
First, you need to know the districts in Chinese:
Brown: 南岸 (nán’àn), 渝中 (yú zhōng)
Light Blue: 新区 (xīn qū), 园区 (yuán qū), 金闾 (jīn lǘ)
Pink: 汉阳 (hàn yang), 武昌 (wǔ chāng), 汉口 (hàn kǒu)
Orange: 南开 (nán kāi), 河西 (hé xī), 和平 (hé píng)
Red: 浦东 (pǔ dōng), 徐汇 (xú huì), 静安 (jìng’ān)
Yellow: 海淀 (hǎi diàn), 朝阳 (cháo yang), 东城 (dōng chéng)
Green: 南山 (nán shān), 福田 (fú tián), 罗湖 luó hú)
Blue: 荔湾 (lì wān), 东山 (dōng shān)
This is how the train stations are called in Chinese Monopoly:
重庆站 (chóng qìng zhàn)
上海站 (shàng hǎi zhàn)
北京西站 (běi jīng xī zhàn)
广州站 (guǎng zhōu zhàn)
Starting from go here are all the remaining spaces on the Chinese Monopoly board:
Go: 起点 (qǐ diǎn)
Communty Chest: 社会基金 (shè huì jī jīn)
Income Tax: 所得税 (suǒ dé shuì)
Chance: 机会 (jī huì)
In Jail: 坐牢 (zuò láo)
Just Visiting: 探监 (tàn jiān)
China Electric: 供电公司 (gōng diàn gong sī)
Free Parking: 免费停车 (miǎn fèi tíng chē)
Water Works: 自来水公司 (zì lái shuǐ gong sī)
Go to Jail: 进监狱 (jìn jiān yù)
Salary Tax: 销售税 (xiāo shòu shuì)
House – 房子 (fáng zi)
Hotel – 酒店 (jiǔ diàn)
#Our teachers #

More than 10 years teaching experience

Master Degree

Certificate for teaching chinese as a foreign language

# About us #

Founded in 2007

Chinese test and training center

200+ Chinese teachers

5000+ students

# Contact us#


Phone number:021-52287809,13918358891
If you are interested to join Mandarin Morning school or want more details about our services, scan the following QR code.

Mandarin Morning

Chinese test center attached to Confucius institute headquarters

Authorized Test Center and Training Center for International Chinese Language Teacher Certificater

10 years+ ,200 teachers ,more 10000 students,200+companies