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Learn Chinese with Board Games
Have you ever considered the humble board game as a Chinese language learning tool? Why should you give Chinese Board Games a go?
Let’s talk about the link between Chinese board games and mastering Mandarin.
Reason 1: Often you HAVE to speak in order to progress in the game.
For all the competitive types out there, this is language learning gold. Whether it’s haggling over prices or giving verbal clues, speaking Chinese will become a tool to win the game – or to deceive your fellow players !
The more you’re invested in winning a game, the more you’ll want to speak. You’ll end up forgetting about being word or tone-perfect! Under time pressure, you’ll quickly learn to get around gaps in your vocabulary to express what you mean, which is a really valuable tool for improving your fluency.
Reason 2: Vocab, vocab, vocab!
Whichever game you pick, you’re likely to find a real mix of familiar, not-so-familiar and brand-new vocabulary.
If you’ve only been learning Chinese a short while, it’s therefore a good idea to pick a Chinese-language game that you’ve played before in your native language, so you don’t feel too overwhelmed. An alternative is to research the rules before you play, or ask a friend to explain the basics to you in your language.
The great thing about your average Chinese board game is that you’re probably going to see and hear the same words and phrases again and again.
Most modern games are very visual too, with the board and specialist playing cards often illustrating the meaning behind the written text.
Research also shows that we tend to remember vocabulary better when we associate a word or phrase with a personal memory
Reason 3: For that sense of accomplishment (whether you win or lose!)
We get it, learning Chinese can be hard work sometimes, but so can win a game!
But the first time you grasp the rules of a game that’s been explained to you in Chinese or manage to communicate the rules of your favourite game to Chinese friends, you’ll feel a real sense of accomplishment.
Managing to win the game itself when you’re playing in Chinese will just be the cherry on top!
Reason 4: Board games are inherently social.
Now, most of us are learning Chinese because we want to be able to talk to native speakers and make connections with local people, right? And what better way to build on new friendships than to engage in a friendly game?
It really can be that easy to meet and practice your Chinese with native speakers!
#Our teachers #

More than 10 years teaching experience

Master Degree

Certificate for teaching chinese as a foreign language

# About us #

Founded in 2007

Chinese test and training center

200+ Chinese teachers

5000+ students

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Chinese test center attached to Confucius institute headquarters

Authorized Test Center and Training Center for International Chinese Language Teacher Certificater

10 years+ ,200 teachers ,more 10000 students,200+companies