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Chinese Lesson: Summer Vocabulary
The Summer can be really hot in China, especially when you live in the south part of the Middle Kingdom. It is important to drink enough water and to stay cool during these hot days.
In this article we introduce some summer vocabulary and phrases for you to help you stay cool.
First, let's review some basic summer vocabulary:
夏天 (xiàtiān) = summer
暑假 (shǔjià) = summer holiday
高温 (gāowēn) = high temperatures
太阳 (tàiyáng) = sunshine
度假 (dùjià) = go on vacation
Now let’s learn some useful phrases for summer:
请问,你可以开一下空调吗? (qǐngwèn, nǐ kěyǐ kāi yī xià kōngtiào ma) = Excuse me, can you turn on the AC?
热死人啦!(rè sǐ rén la) = This heat is killing me!
咱们去海边玩水好不好? (zánmén qù hǎibiān wán shuǐ hǎo bù hǎo) = How about we go hang out at the beach?
附近有游泳池吗?(fùjìn yǒu yóuyǒngchí ma) = Is there a pool around here?
我脱水了!(wǒ tuōshuǐ le) = I'm dehydrated!
我快中暑了。(wǒ kuài zhòngshǔ le) = I’m about to have a heat stroke.
我出了一身汗。(wǒ chū le yī shēn hàn) = I'm so sweaty!
我们在树荫下歇一会儿。(wǒmen zài shùyīn xià xiē yīhuǐ 'er) = Let's go relax in the shade (of the tree).
能借一下你的防晒霜吗?(néng jiè yīxià nǐde fángshàishuāng ma) = Can I borrow your sunscreen?
请加冰块儿。(qǐng jiā bīngkuài'er) = Add ice, please.
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