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Health in Chinese: Illnesses & Symptoms
First of all health in Chinese, or being healthy is 健康 (jiànkāng).
You become a 病人 when you develop a 疾病 (jíbìng), a disease or sickness, and start to get various symptoms 症状 (zhèngzhuàng).
You probably heard a lot about viruses 病毒 (bìngdú), and how contagious 传染 (chuánrǎn) they are.
To avoid people catching them, doctors can inoculate 接种 (jiēzhòng) a vaccine 疫苗 (yìmiáo).
Disease, sickness – 疾病 jí bìng
Symptoms – 症状 zhèngzhuàng
Virus – 病毒 bìng dú
Contagious, infect – 传染 chuán rǎn
Inoculate, vaccinate – 接种 jiē zhòng
Vaccine – 疫苗 yìmiáo
Allergy – 过敏 guò mǐn
Asthma – 哮喘 xiào chuǎn
Common cold – 感冒 gǎn mào
Diarrhoea – 腹泻 fù xiè
Flu – 流感 liú gǎn
Varicella – 水痘 shuǐ dòu
Mental health – 精神健康 jīngshén jiànkāng
Unless we know our body very well or have experienced it before, it is always best to consult a doctor to get the appropriate treatment.
If you ever find yourself in China, having to explain your symptoms or your friend’s, here’s a list of the most common symptoms in Chinese:
English Hanzi Pinyin
Allergy 过敏 guò mǐn
Asthma 哮喘 xiào chuǎn
Blurred vision 视力模糊 shìlì móhu
Burping, burp 打饱嗝 dǎ bǎogé
Common cold, catch a cold 感冒 gǎn mào
Constipation, be constipated 便秘 biànmì
Cough, to cough 咳嗽 ké sou
Cramp, have a cramp 抽筋 chōujīn
Cyst, have a cyst 囊肿 nángzhǒng
Dehydration, be dehydrated 脱水 tuōshuǐ
Diabetes 糖尿病 táng niào bìng
Diarrhoea  腹泻 fù xiè
Dizzy, feel dizzy, to faint 昏厥 hūn jué
Fatigue 疲惫 píbèi
Fast heartbeat 心跳过速 xīntiào guòsù
Feel bloated 胃胀 wèi zhàng
Fever 发烧 fāshāo
Hair loss, lose hair 脱发 tuōfà
Hallucination, to hallucinate 幻觉 huànjué
Headache 头痛 tóu tòng
Hearing difficulties 听觉障碍 tīngjué zhàng’ài
Heartburn 烧心 shāoxīn
Hiccup 打嗝 dǎgé
Hypertension 高血压 gāo xuèyā
Indigestion 消化不良 xiāohuà bùliáng
Inflammation, inflamed 发炎 fā yán
Insomnia, have trouble sleeping 失眠 shīmián
Itch, itchy yǎng
Loss of appetite 食欲不振 shíyù búzhèn
Migraine 偏头痛 piān tóu tòng
Nauseated, to feel nauseated 恶心 ě xīn
Nosebleed 流鼻血 liú bíxiě
Numbness, feel num 麻木 mámù
Rash, have a rash 出疹子 chū zhěnzi
Shiver, to shiver 寒战 hán zhàn
Shortness of breath 气短 qì duǎn
Sneeze, to sneeze 打喷嚏 dǎ pēntì
Snore, to snore 打鼾 dǎ hān
Sore throat 喉咙痛 hóulóng tòng
Spasm, convulsion 痉挛 jìng luán
Stomach ache, have an upset stomach 胃痛 wèitòng
Suffocate 窒息 zhì xī
Sweat 出汗 chū hàn
Swell, to be swollen zhǒng
Vomit, to vomit 呕吐 ǒu tù
Unconsciousness, to be unconscious/in a coma 不省人事 bù xǐng rén shì
Weight loss 体重减少 tǐzhòng jiǎn shǎo
Weight gain 体重增加 tǐzhòng zēngjiā
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