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How to prepare for an HSK Exam
The HSK language exam can be slightly different to other language exams you may have taken. Here are top tips along with some other key HSK info you need to know.
Tip 1: Vocabulary
Vocabulary is essential to any language exam so it is arguably the most important thing to study and understand. As there is no English in the test, understanding the vocabulary means understanding the instructions, questions and answers. The amount of Hanzi you have to learn varies according to the level you choose.
There are several lists of all the vocabulary needed to know for your HSK available online. These lists vary with/without the pinyin or with/without the English translations. You can also buy study books made for the HSK exam eg. “HSK 考试大纲” (kǎoshì dàgāng) for the vocabulary, which exists for each level.
Tip 2: Exercises
When preparing for your exam with your teacher it is advised to focus on the exercises that use the vocabulary from the list. For example, write a small text, create complex sentences, describe a picture, fill in the blank etc. If you don’t have a teacher to practice with, ask a Chinese friend to help you correct your practiced exercises. There are also multiple websites and apps that can connect you with a Chinese friend/pen pal from around the world.
Tip 3: Grammar
Hanzi, hanzi, hanzi… learning them is great but knowing how to use them is even better. Grammar is important when learning a language as it implies fluency and proficiency when speaking/writing the language. Learning as much grammar as possible will help you through your exam as it helps you understand the questions posed. In the HSK exam there are also questions where you have to construct sentences from multiple choices, and this is where grammar is essential.
Tip 4: Make a plan
Most people start studying for their HSK about a month or so in advance of the exam date and make a study schedule. The HSK exam is divided into 3 main parts: listening, reading and writing.
So, it is advised to divide your time accordingly to the weighting of each part e.g. If listening is worth 20% of your exam allocate 20% of your time to listening practice.
Tip 5: Practice in real time
In order to have ideal studying conditions it is advised to create exam conditions when practicing.
Which means when practicing exercises give yourself allocated time limits and don’t use a dictionary just as in the final exam.
“HSK 真题集” (zhēntí jí) is a preparation book for HSK that contains previous HSK exams from the past few years. It is ideal to practice and attempt to take the real exam giving yourself an idea of the test.
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