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Chinese Grammar: Expressing "although" with 尽管
尽管 (jǐnguǎn) means "although," and is a little stronger than 虽然, perhaps more like "despite" or "even though" in English.
Structure: 尽管⋯⋯ ,(可是 / 但是 +) Subj. + 还是⋯⋯
可是 or 但是 can be added to further emphasize the shift in meaning in the second phrase.
尽管很多人批评他,他还是坚持这么做。(jǐnguǎn hěn duō rén pīpíng tā, tā háishì jiānchí zhème zuò) = Despite the fact that many people criticize him, he still insists on doing it.
尽管老板最近不在,我们还是不能偷懒。(jǐnguǎn lǎobǎn zuìjìn bù zài, wǒmen háishì bù néng tōulǎn) = Despite the fact that the boss hasn't been around lately, we still can't get lazy.
尽管困难很多,但是我们不能放弃。(jǐnguǎn kùnnan hěn duō, dànshì wǒmen bù néng fàngqì) = Even though there are many difficulties, we can't just give up.
尽管我很生气,但是我没发脾气。(jǐnguǎn wǒ hěn shēngqì, dànshì wǒ méi fā píqì) = Even though I was angry, I didn't lose my temper.
尽管警察已经找到了一些证据,但是他们还是不能抓那个嫌疑人。(jǐnguǎn jǐngchá yǐjīng zhǎodào le yīxiē zhèngjù, dànshì tāmen háishì bù néng zhuā nàge xiányírén) = Even though the police have already found some evidence, they still can't arrest the suspect.
尽管他的书很有争议,但它还是出版了。(jǐnguǎn tā de shū hěn yǒu zhēngyì, dàn tā háishì chūbǎn le) = Even though his book is very controversial, it was still published.
尽管当时很危险,消防员还是勇敢地冲了进去。(jǐnguǎn dāngshí hěn wēixiǎn, xiāofángyuán háishì yǒnggǎn de chōng le jìnqù) = Even though it was very dangerous, the firefighters still bravely charged right in.
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