MandarinMorning ChineseSchool
021-5213 9379
About us
How much do you know about WeChat?
The company that brought Chinese Internet users QQ, the most popular instant messaging option in China, launched WeChat, a mobile phone app in late 2011 that millions of Chinese have downloaded. The Chinese name for WeChat is 微信 (Wēi Xìn).
What Is Wei Xin?
Wēi Xìn (微信) is a free instant voice messaging app that is based on other instant messaging apps. Like WhatsApp, Wei Xin allows users to send and receive instant messages for free -- no matter what countries the users and receivers are in -- all that’s needed is an iTouch, iPad, iPhone or Android phone with iOS 3.0 or later with Internet access. Wei Xin comes in Mandarin Chinese (traditional and simplified characters) and English versions.
What Can You Do?
Users can send and receive text messages, instant voice messages, photos, and group messages and share locations. Users can also use a GPS function to see other users who are within a 1,000-meter radius of their GPS phones. This feature is automatically activated upon download, but users can opt-out by adjusting their settings.
Users can also use QR codes on Facebook or Weibo to find friends who have Wei Xin or have others find them. Users can also adjust their settings to allow Wei Xin to automatically update their contacts when their friends download Wei Xin.
Users can also use emoticons, Emoji and custom emoticons, set up their own customized background images when using Wei Xin, and multitask with random activities like playing Rock, Paper, Scissors while chatting.
Other Benefits
Aside from being free, Wei Xin gives users the option to go hands-free and send and receive instant voice messages. Users can set their phones to automatically play the voice messages as they are received, so there’s no need to pick up the phone each time a message is sent.
Wei Xin also works with QQ’s 700 million registered users, so using functions and the GPS feature ensures a better user experience.
# Our teachers #

More than 10 years teaching experience

Master Degree

Certificate for teaching chinese as a foreign language

# About us #

Founded in 2007

Chinese test and training center

200+ Chinese teachers

5000+ students

# Contact us#


Phone number:021-52287809,13918358891
If you are interested to join Mandarin Morning school or want more details about our services, scan the following QR code.

Mandarin Morning

Chinese test center attached to Confucius institute headquarters

Authorized Test Center and Training Center for International Chinese Language Teacher Certificater

10 years+ ,200 teachers ,more 10000 students,200+companies