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Chinese Reading Practice for Beginners
In this one-paragraph read (around HSK 2-3), Little Brother wants to help dad get ready to leave the house, but his contribution falls flat.
Some vocabulary you might need:
一边… 一边… yī biān – This is one of the earliest structures you learn when you start taking classes, so you may have picked this up already, but these two “一边”s tie together two tasks that someone is doing at the same time.
手忙脚乱 shǒu máng jiǎo luàn – This phrase means “flustered”, or “in confusion”, and if you look at each character individually, you can see why – if our hands (手) and feet (脚) are busily (忙) and messily (乱) moving around, we’re probably flustered, or frantic.
咦 yí – A sound that expresses surprise, like “Ack!” or “Agh!”
多么 duō me – Translates as “so”, as in “I so wanted to be there!” or “I so wish he would answer the phone.”
Here is the text for you to practice reading:
English translation:
Father was going out of town for work, but in the morning, he woke up late. He got busy washing his face and brushing his teeth, and elder sister helped him pack his clothes, mother brought him breakfast, and helped him find his notebook. While father ate his breakfast, he felt his pockets, ack, where did the train ticket go? Father put down the milk, the cake, and scrambled around looking for the ticket. Little brother so wanted to help father do something, but there was nothing he could do to help. Little brother thought: “How about I help dad eat breakfast.” He climbed up on the stool, took the leftover milk and cake and ate it all up.
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