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Chinese Lesson: How to say „and“ in Chinese
One of the easiest ways to make your language skills sound more advanced is by connecting your thoughts using conjunctions like “and”.
But how do you use the Chinese “and”? This article will get into all the different ways to connect your thoughts and sentences.
All the Different Ways to Say “And” in Chinese
Because Chinese is a contextual language, there’s an “and” for every circumstance. To make things a little bit more complicated, these conjunctions don’t always translate to the “and” we all know and understand in English. Thankfully, they still represent the joining of two or more ideas.
Use 和 (hé) to Connect Two Nouns:
When you simply need to connect two nouns, go with 和. You can use 和 to connect two subjects or two objects.
Here’s an example of 和 connecting two subjects:
我和他只是朋友。(wǒ hé tā zhǐshì péngyǒu.) — He and I are just friends.
Use 跟 (gēn) when the Subject and Person Perform an Action Together:
When two people are doing something together, there are two ways to express that using conjunctions.
You can either say, “You and I are going shopping,”  or, “I am going shopping with you.”
So, you can either stick 和 between the two people in the first sentence, or you can swap that with 跟, which means “with.”
Here’s an example:
昨天我和男朋友看电影。(zuótiān wǒ hé nán péngyǒu kàn diànyǐng.) — My boyfriend and I watched a movie yesterday.
昨天我跟男朋友(一起)看电影。(zuótiān wǒ gēn nán péngyǒu [yīqǐ] kàn diànyǐng.) — I watched a movie with my boyfriend yesterday.
Use 也 (yě) to Connect Similar Verbal Phrases
When two subjects share the same action or verbal phrase, 也 meaning “(and) also” is the appropriate conjunction to use in Chinese:
她去过英国,我也去过英国。(tā qùguò yīngguó, wǒ yě qùguò yīngguó.) — She’s been to England, and I’ve also been to England.
她不喜欢抱子甘蓝,也不喜欢西兰花。(tā bù xǐhuān bào zǐ gānlán, yě bù xǐhuān xī lánhuā.) — She doesn’t like Brussels sprouts, and she also doesn’t like broccoli.
Use 又 (yòu) to Connect Adjectives:
If you’re looking to use multiple adjectives to describe a noun, the “and” to use in this situation would be 又. Please note that both adjectives have to be positive or negative.
You can think of the double 又 as “both…and…” in English.
Here are a two of examples:
姐姐的头发又长又卷。(jiějiě de tóufǎ yòu zhǎng yòu juǎn.) — My older sister’s hair is both long and curly.
那块蛋糕又浓奶油又多。(nà kuài dàngāo yòu nóng nǎiyóu yòu duō.) — That cake is both rich and creamy.
Use 还 (hái) to Connect Different Actions:
What if you want to connect two different actions from a single subject?
Simple: Just use 还, meaning “and also,” as the conjunction:
我丈夫洗衣服,还做晚饭。(wǒ zhàngfū xǐ yīfú, hái zuò wǎnfàn.) — My husband does the laundry and also makes dinner.
他们喝了酒,还吃了奶酪。(tāmen hēle jiǔ, hái chīle nǎilào.) — They drank wine and also had cheese.
Other Ways to Express “And” in Chinese:
Use 以及 (yǐjí) for “as well as”:
您要牛奶以及糖吗?(nín yào niúnǎi yǐjí táng ma?) — Do you want milk as well as sugar?
Use 还有 (hái yǒu) for “and also”:
有洋葱,胡萝卜,还有芹菜。(yǒu yángcōng, húluóbo, hái yǒu qíncài.) — There are onions, carrots and celery.
Use 之后 (zhī hòu) for “and then”:
她的儿子做了作业,之后玩电子游戏。(tā de érzi zuòle zuòyè, zhī hòu wán diànzǐ yóuxì.) — Her son did his homework, and then played video games.
Use 然后 (ránhòu) for “then”:
他们想去西班牙,然后去意大利。(tāmen xiǎng qù xībānyá, ránhòu qù yìdàlì.) — They want to go to Spain, then Italy.
Use 不但 …而且  (bùdàn…érqiě) for “not only… but also”:
她不但会唱歌,而且会跳舞。(tā bùdàn huì chànggē, érqiě hái tiàowǔ.) — Not only can she sing, but she can also dance.
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