MandarinMorning ChineseSchool
021-5213 9379
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Chinese Lesson: Traveling
Traveling abroad is a wonderful way to expand your horizons. Being able to experience other cultures first-hand is a valuable experience that adds an extra dimension to your outlook on life.
Besides being exposed to new sights and new food, foreign travel also gives you the chance to communicate in another language. China and Taiwan are great places to practice your Mandarin Chinese because relatively few people speak English.
Since Mandarin is one of the harder languages to learn, give yourself plenty of study time before your trip. With its tones and written characters, Mandarin can be more challenging than other Western languages.
This vocabulary list of traveling words and phrases will come in handy when you first arrive, and also for traveling around the country.
Airport - 飞机场 - fēi jī chǎng                 
train station - 火车站 - huǒ chē zhàn             
bus station - 公车站- gōng chē zhàn                
bus stop - 公车停靠站 - gōng chē tíngkào zhàn                                 
plane - 飞机 - fēi jī          
train - 火车 - huǒ chē           
bus - 气车 - qì chē                 
shuttle bus - 接驳车 - jiē bó chē          
taxi – 出租车 – chū zū chē               
boat - 船 - chuán            
ticket - 票 - piào            
return ticket - 来回票 - lái huí piào                 
boarding pass - 登机证 - dēng jī zhèng           
check in - 登记 - dēngjì           
passport - 护照 - hù zhào               
timetable - 时刻表 - shí kè biǎo             
gate - 登机门 - dēng jī mén                     
Where can I buy a ticket?         - 在哪里买票? - Zài nǎli mǎi piào?           
How much is a ticket to …?  - 一张到...的票多少钱? - Yī zhāng dào ... de piào duō shǎo qián?              
I would like a ticket to ….. - 我买一张到...的票。 - Wǒ mǎi yī zhāng dào ... de piào.                  
#Chinese course #

Adult Chinese

Teen Chinese

Enterprise Chinese

Online Chinese

hsk Preparation

Summer camp

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More than 10 years teaching experience

Master Degree

Certificate for teaching chinese as a foreign language

# About us #

Founded in 2007

Chinese test and training center

200+ Chinese teachers

5000+ students

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Mandarin Morning

Chinese test center attached to Confucius institute headquarters

Authorized Test Center and Training Center for International Chinese Language Teacher Certificater

10 years+ ,200 teachers ,more 10000 students,200+companies