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Chengyu Story: Console oneself with false hopes
The Chengyu 望梅止渴 (wànɡ méi zhǐ kě) literally means “to quench one’s thirst by thinking of plums”. The actual meaning is to console oneself with false hopes or illusions.
One summer, Cao Cao led his troops to attack Zhang Xiu. There was no heat in the sky. The army was walking on the winding mountain road. The dense trees on both sides and the rocks scalded by the sun made people breathless. At noon, the soldiers' clothes were soaked through, and the marching speed slowed down. Some weak soldiers even fainted on the side of the road. Seeing that the speed of the march was getting slower and slower, Cao Cao was worried about delaying the plane. However, at present, tens of thousands of people can't even drink water. How can we speed up the speed?
He immediately called the guide and asked him quietly, "is there any water near here?" The guide shook his head and said, "the spring is on the other side of the valley. There is still a long way to go to bypass it." Cao Cao thought for a moment and said, "no, it's too late." He looked at the woods ahead, pondered for a while, and said to the guide, "don't say anything. I'll find a way."
He knew that even if he ordered the troops to speed up at the moment, it would be useless to ask the troops to speed up. He quickly rushed to the front of the team with his horse's stomach. He pointed his whip at the front and said, "soldiers, I know there is a large area of plum trees in front of them. The plums there are big and delicious. Let's hurry up and go around the hill to Meilin." As soon as the soldiers heard it, they seemed to have water into their mouths. They were in great spirits, and they were speeding up a lot.
How to use 望梅止渴:
不能 去 现场 看 足球 比赛,只好 回家 看 直播 望梅止渴。
bùnénɡ qù xiànchǎnɡ kàn zúqiú bǐsài, zhǐhǎo huíjiā kàn zhíbō wànɡméizhǐkě.
We can’t watch the football game on the field. We have to watch live as an alternative.
姐姐 最近 在减肥,看到 她 最 爱吃的 鸡腿 也 只好 望梅止渴。
jiějie zuìjìn zài jiǎnféi, kàndào tā zuì àichīde jītuǐ yě zhǐhǎo wànɡméizhǐkě.
My sister is keeping diet, so when she saw her favorite chicken leg, she had to quench her thirst by thinking of plums.

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