MandarinMorning ChineseSchool
021-5213 9379
About us

Mandarin Morning is one of the reputable institutes in Shanghai for learning Chinese language. We offer private and group classes to foreigners and give them training of Chinese language in order to accommodate in China successfully. On June 5, 2019, Mandarin Morning gave lesson to foreigners on “Face Changing”, in Chinese language it is called Biàn Liǎn. It is an ancient Chinese dramatic art that is part of the more general Sichuan opera. In this article we are sharing the contents and some memories of the moment that made the lesson interesting. We divide our lesson and memories in three parts that explained below.
Part One: Face changing introduction

We started our lesson by giving introduction about “Face Changing”. Our Professional and competent faculty members told the students about face changing. The Introduction was prepared in these wordings:
Face changing is one of the unique skills in Sichuan opera performance,which is of the romantic style to be used in the opera art to characterize. Facial masks are used to reveal the inner thoughts and feelings of the play’s characters, that is, to turn the invisible, intangible, abstract emotion and psychological state into visible, sensible and specific image. The skills of face changing are generally differentiated into three types: the wiping mask, the blowing mask, and the pulling mask. Besides, there is another trick of using Qigong movements to change. The face changing in Sichuan opera has already become the national secondary confidential, and now it’s listed as the state-level intangible cultural heritage. Because of its high technicality, mystique and ornamental value, it uniquely demonstrates the charm of art. It’s not only renowned domestically, but also commended globally.
Part 2: Face changing lesson in mandarin morning has been organized many times, splendid moment as followed:
Happiness is the thing that increases by being shared. It is not first time that Mandarin Morning is giving lesson on “Face Changing”. We did it so many times. Today, We are sharing our precious moments that were captured by camera.

Part 3: The lesson progress:
Part three tells that how the lesson was given in the classroom. It contains further two steps a, and b.
(A) Our host explained the face changing content:
Our host described the contents of face changing to the students that can be seen in the photos.

(B)  Face changing Master start teaching Dancing:
We believe that learning can be made affective if we use other means like giving demonstration, an act play or dancing. So we did the same. We organized an act play as used to be in Sichuan Opera. Master performed before the students that provided in depth understanding of the topic.