MandarinMorning ChineseSchool
021-5213 9379
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照片(zhào piàn) or照骗(zhào piàn)
照片 is photograph
照骗 is flattering photo
Girls like take selfies and post them on the social media. But usually you couldn’t trust these photos.
Chinese people are very good at it. Foreigners call it China’s digital touch-up culture.(中国的数字美颜文化zhoōng guó de shù zì měi yán wén huà)
自拍(zì pāi)is selfie
她喜欢从左边的角度自拍(tā xǐ huān cóng zuǒ biān de jiǎo dù zì pāi)
She likes to take selfies from the left side.
滤镜(lǜ jìng)is filter
看她的自拍照,她过度的使用了滤镜(kàn tā de zì pāi zhào, tā guò dù de shǐ yòng le lǜ jìng)
Look at her selfie! She overused the filter.
美颜(měi yán)is beautify
你可以用编辑照片的应用来美化你的自拍(nǐ kě yǐ yòng biān jí zhào piàn de yìng yòng lái měi huà nǐ de zì pāi)
You can use photo editing apps to beautify your selfies.
修饰(xiū shì)is touch up
一些编辑工具可以帮助人们修饰照片(yī xiē biān jí gōng jù kě yǐ bāng zhù rén men xiū shì zhào piàn)
There are some editing tools to help people touch up photos.
磨皮(mó pí)is smooth
用这个应用给你这张照片磨皮(yòng zhè gè yìng yòng gěi nǐ zhè zhāng zhào piàn mó pí)
Using this app to smooth your skin in the photo.
美白(měi bái)is whiten
我用这款牙膏美白牙齿(wǒ yòng zhè kuǎn yá gāo měi bái yá chǐ)
I use this toothpaste to whiten my teeth.