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【Learn Chinese】Essential University Vocabulary
Are you planning to study at a Chinese university or simply interested in expanding your Chinese vocabulary related to higher education? Whether you're a prospective student or an enthusiast of the Chinese language, this article will introduce you to key university-related terms in Chinese, complete with pinyin and English explanations. Let's dive in!
1. University and Departments
大学 (dà xué): University
学院 (xué yuàn): College/Department
专业 (zhuān yè): Major
Your major is the specific field of study you choose to focus on during your university years. Common majors include:
计算机科学 (jì suàn jī kē xué): Computer Science
经济学 (jīng jì xué): Economics
医学 (yī xué): Medicine
文学 (wén xué): Literature
工程学 (gōng chéng xué): Engineering
2. Degrees and Academic Titles
学位 (xué wèi): Degree
A degree is an academic title awarded by a university upon completion of a program. The most common degrees are:
学士 (xué shì): Bachelor's Degree
硕士 (shuò shì): Master's Degree
博士 (bó shì): Doctoral Degree
3. Faculty and Staff
教授 (jiào shòu): Professor
副教授 (fù jiào shòu): Associate Professor
讲师 (jiǎng shī): Lecturer
导师 (dǎo shī): Advisor
4. Academic Terms and Facilities
学期 (xué qī): Semester
课程 (kè chéng): Course
图书馆 (tú shū guǎn): Library
实验室 (shí yàn shì): Laboratory
宿舍 (sù shè): Dormitory
食堂 (shí táng): Dining Hall
5. Other Important Terms
入学考试 (rù xué kǎo shì): Entrance Exam
毕业 (bì yè): Graduation
论文 (lùn wén): Thesis