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Daily Life Tools in Chinese
There are many common tools that people often use in their daily lives. Knowing the names of these tools in Chinese can be really helpful, whether you're living in China or just visiting.
In the Kitchen
The kitchen is a place where we use many tools every day. A knife (刀, dāo) is essential for cutting vegetables and meat. When you go to a kitchenware store, you can ask for a "菜刀" (Càidāo, kitchen knife). A spatula (铲子, chǎnzi) is used for flipping and stirring food while cooking. If you need one, just say "我要一个铲子" (Wǒ yào yīgè chǎnzi), which means "I want a spatula."
A whisk (打蛋器, dǎdànqì) is great for mixing eggs and batter. When you're baking or making pancakes, it's a handy tool to have. You can also find a strainer (漏勺, lòusháo) useful for draining water from noodles or washing vegetables.
For Cleaning
Keeping our living spaces clean is important, and we use various tools to do so. A broom (扫帚, sàozhou) is used for sweeping the floor. You can easily find one in a supermarket by asking for a "扫帚". A mop (拖把, tuōbǎ) is perfect for cleaning floors with water. When you need to buy one, just say "我要买拖把" (Wǒ yào mǎi tuōbǎ), which means "I want to buy a mop."
A dustpan (簸箕, bòji) is often used with a broom to collect the dirt. And for cleaning windows and mirrors, a squeegee (刮水器, guāshuǐqì) can be very effective. It helps remove water and streaks, leaving your glass surfaces clean and clear.
In the Garden
If you have a garden or just some potted plants, you'll need some gardening tools. A trowel (铲子, chǎnzi) is a small handheld tool used for digging and planting. You can use it to plant flowers or vegetables. A pair of gardening shears (剪刀, jiǎndāo) is useful for trimming branches and pruning plants. When you're buying them, you can say "我要买剪刀" (Wǒ yào mǎi jiǎndāo).
For DIY and Repairs
Sometimes, we need to do some simple repairs or DIY projects at home. A hammer (锤子, chuízi) is a basic tool for driving nails into walls or wood. If you need to hang a painting, a hammer will come in handy. A screwdriver (螺丝刀, luósīdāo) is used for tightening or loosening screws. It's a must-have tool for assembling furniture or fixing small appliances.
A measuring tape (卷尺, juǎnchǐ) is useful for measuring lengths and widths. Whether you're buying curtains or fitting a new piece of furniture, a measuring tape will help you get the right size. And a pair of pliers (钳子, qiánzi) can be used for gripping and bending wires or small objects.
These are just a few examples of the tools that people often use in their daily lives. Whether you're cooking a meal, cleaning your home, tending to your garden, or doing some DIY projects, having the right tools and knowing their names in Chinese will make your life easier and more convenient.