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【Learn Chinese】Olympic Games 2024: Vocabulary (Part 2)
In this article, you’re going to learn all the key vocabulary about sports from the Olympics in Chinese.
This is part 2 of our article.
Aquatic Games
Even though all these sports are related to water, you’ll rarely see the character for water 水 (shuǐ) in their names. Have a look:
Swimming 游泳 yóuyǒng
Synchronised Swimming 花样游泳 huāyàng yóuyǒng
Diving 跳水 tiàoshuǐ
Water polo 水球 shuǐqiú
Canoe/Kayak 皮划艇 pí huá tǐng
Rowing 赛艇 sài tǐng
Sailing 帆船 fānchuán
Other Sports
That’s not the end! The Olympic Games include many more sports, and lucky for you, we translated them all:
Athletics 田径 tiánjìng
Cycling 自行车 zìxíngchē
Gymnastics 体操 tǐcāo
Equestrian 马术 mǎshù
Archery  射箭 shèjiàn
Shooting 射击 shèjī
Fencing 击剑 jījiàn
Weightlifting 举重 jǔzhòng
Boxing 拳击 quánjī
Judo 柔道 róudào
Wrestling 摔跤 shuāijiāo
Taekwondo 跆拳道 táiquándào
Modern pentathlon 现代五项 xiàndài wǔ xiàng
Triathlon 铁人三项 tiěrén sān xiàng
Specific Vocabulary
Now that you know the names of all the Olympic Sports in Chinese, you just need to learn these other few words to watch and comment on the games with your Chinese friends:
Athlete Play 运动员 yùndòngyuán
Match, Competition 比赛 bǐsài
Referee, Judge 裁判员 cáipàn yuán
Rules 规则 guīzé
Gold medal 金牌 jīnpái
Silver medal 银牌 yínpái
Bronze medal 铜牌 tóngpái
Paralympic Games 残奥会 cán ào huì
In conclusion, I want to make sure you know how to support your team properly. So, when the athletes enter the Olympic stadium, no matter if you are at home or in the hosting country, get ready to cheer them up by saying “加油,加油!” (jiāyóu) which literally means “to add oil” …