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【Learn Chinese】Chinese Customs: The most diverse in the w
China is one of those countries, which includes a variety of customs 风俗 (fēng sú) and traditions 传统 (chuán tǒng) due to its geographical location and ethnicity.
There are 56 ethnic groups of minorities in China. The biggest are the Han Chinese with 900 million people, whereas, the smallest ethnic group, known as Hezhen, includes only 2000 people. Similarly, there are other honorable ethnic groups in China, which are known by the names of the Naxi, the Mongols, the Tibetans and the Manchus.
The Chinese language has seven major language groups and each of them has their own variations. 71.5% of Chinese population speaks Mandarin, whereas, Wu is spoken by 8%, Yu by 5%, Xiang by 4.8%, Min by 4.1%, Hakka by 3.7% and 2.4% of the population speaks Gan.
The Chinese language is often described as a mixture of several dialects that includes various regional forms rather than a sole language. For example is the difference between the languages spoken in Chaozhou and Beijing the same difference as between France and Italy.
However, China’s official language is 普通话 (pǔtōnghuà), also called the modern Chinese language or Mandarin Chinese.
The Traditional Chinese Food
Without any doubt, Chinese food is popular in the entire world and just like the language Chinese food is also strongly affected by ethnic and geographic diversity. Although there are various styles and techniques of Chinese cooking, but the most famous are Cantonese that attributes stir-fried cuisines. The second famous Chinese cooking style is Sichuan, which is known for spiciness and ingredients like ginger, peanuts and sesame paste are mostly used in this style.
Rice 米饭 (mǐ fàn) is a must-included food item in most of the recipes, in fact, rice for the people of China is similar a complete repast and this is why they called it 饭 (fàn) in the Chinese language, which means meal.
Celebrations and Chinese Customs
Chinese culture is full of colors and the best time to witness different customs and festivals of China is from mid of January to mid of February as the biggest Chinese festival, the Spring Festival 春节 (chūn jié) takes place every year during these months in honor to welcome the new lunar year.
China is equipped with numerous customs and traditions, which are celebrated by every single Chinese individual. The respect given to the ancestors by Chinese people proves that their souls are rich with the history and no matter what dialects are being followed by the people the customs of China never fail to promote unity and love for one another.