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【Learn Chinese】Vegetarian Street Foods in China (Part 2)
While street food may not be the best option for daily meals, it can make for a delicious snack or the occasional breakfast or lunch. Chinese street food is cheap, tasty, and can be found just about anywhere.
Here is part 2 of our introduction of delicious vegetarian street food.
Youtiao (油条)
You Tiao is another fantastic street food that’s easy to find. Youtiao is a long, deep-fried dough stick, similar to a churro or a long donut, but not as sweet.
As with anything deep-fried, it is, of course, delicious, but also not exactly healthy! You can find these all over China and are incredibly cheap, and just as tasty!
Tofu (豆腐)
Tofu, made from soybeans, comes in all shapes, sizes, and flavours in China, and it’s another great source of protein for vegetarians.
Tofu can be fried and topped with sauces and herbs, or you might find it on a stick, marinating in a sauce or broth. Either way, it’s fantastic!
In western countries people often think of tofu as reserved for vegetarians only. However, in China, tofu is eaten by just about everyone! That makes it readily available at street-side stalls. However, make sure your tofu isn’t mixed with meat!
There are probably so many forms of Tofu you never knew existed so you can enjoy a lot of different styles as a vegetarian!
Zongzi (粽子)
Lastly, Zong Zi is a a triangular packet of sticky rice wrapped in bamboo leaves and stuffed with various fillings.
Traditionally, zongzi is eaten during the Dragon Boat Festival (端午), which commemorates a patriotic poet from ancient Chinese times. However, zongzi is available year-round!
Zongzi fillings can be both sweet and savoury. Vegetarian fillings include red bean, date, or mushroom.