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【Learn Chinese】Vocabulary for Shopping in Chinese (Part 2
If you are buying clothes, then you might need to ask the shop assistant if you can try them on and where to find the fitting room:
Can I try it on? 我可以试一试吗?(wǒ kěyǐ shì yī shì ma)
Where is the fitting room? 试衣间在哪里?(shì yī jiān zài nǎlǐ)
At this point, the shop assistant might ask:
What is your size? 你穿几号的? (nǐ chuān jǐ hào de) or 你穿多大号? (nǐ chuān duō dà hào)
And you will answer:
My size is… 我穿。。。 Wǒ chuān …
S (小号 – xiǎo hào)
M (中号 – zhōng hào)
L (大号 – dà hào)
XL (特大号 – tè dà hào).
Usually, you will find the price of the item on the price tag (价格标签 jiàgé biāoqiān), but if there’s not one, then you might need to ask the shop assistant:
How much is this? 这个多少钱?(zhège duōshǎo qián)
If you want to be more precise, you can also replace “个”, with one these measure words:
件 jiàn – for clothes, furniture, luggage and for pieces in general
双 shuāng – for pairs, i.e. shoes, boots, socks
条 tiáo – for long things, like pants or jeans.
You might also ask:
Is there any discount? 有折扣吗?(yǒu zhékòu ma) or 有打折吗? (yǒu dǎzhé ma)
Now, let’s make one thing clear here, discounts in Chinese work the other way around.
So if you see a sale sign in China offering “9折“, that doesn’t mean you will get the 90% off, but that you’ll pay 90% of the original price. So, using that logic, with a “6折” you’ll pay 60% of the original price, with a “4折” you’ll pay 40% of the original price and with a “1折” you’ll pay 10% of the original price (90% off).
Once you’re satisfied with the content of your shopping cart (购物车 gòuwù chē), you will go to the cash register (收银台 shōu yín tái) where the cashier (收银员 shōu yín yuán) will ask you:
Do you want to pay by card or cash? 你要刷卡还是付现金? (nǐ yào shuākǎ háishì fù xiànjīn)
Once you get your bag(s) (袋子 dàizi) and your receipt (购物小票 gòuwù xiǎo piào, also simply called 小票 xiǎo piào) you can go home and enjoy the satisfactory feeling of a fruitful shopping experience in China!