MandarinMorning ChineseSchool
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【Learn Chinese】Happy New Year! 新年快乐!
How did you celebrate the New Years Eve? We hope you had a wonderful party with friends and family. By the way, New Year in Chinese is 元旦 (yuan dàn).
Besides knowing the basic, “Happy New Year’s” (新年快乐 xīn nián kuài lè), here are Chinese vocabulary words and phrases for your New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day!
“A new year brings in new hopes” 新年新气象 xīn nián xīn qì xiàng
Celebrate new year’s day 欢度元旦 huān dù yuán dàn
“Happy New Year” 元旦快乐 yuán dàn kuài lè
New Year 新年 xīn nián
New Year’s Day元旦 yuán dàn
New Year’s Day Evening Part 元旦晚会 yuán dàn wǎn huì
New year’s day Festival 元旦佳节 yuán dàn jiā jié
New Year’s holiday 元旦假期 yuán dàn jià qī
New Year’s resolution新年规划 xīn nián guī huà
New Year’s wish 新年愿望 xīn nián yuàn wàng
Midnight 午夜 wǔ yè
Toast 敬酒 jìng jiǔ
Champagne 香槟酒 xiāng bīn jiǔ
Confetti 五彩纸屑 wǔ cǎi zhǐ xiè
Countdown 倒计时 dào jì shí
How is New Year celebrated in your country? In China, the Chinese New Year is obviously more important. But nowadays also younger people like to celebrate the western New Year. It is popular to go to a bar (酒吧 jiǔ bā) or to sing karaoke (卡拉 kǎ lā). But don’t expect an firework (花火 huā huǒ) in China, since it’s not allowed.