Learning the shapes in Chinese is actually pretty easy. Many of the shapes follow a pattern, that when you learn it, makes them really easy to remember. Before we get started, let’s actually learn the word for Shape in Chinese… “Shape” in Chinese is 形状 xíng zhuàng. The following group of shapes in Chinese are super easy to learn because they all follow the same structure which is simply: Numbers of Sides + 角形 (jiǎo xíng) = Shape Name Triangle: 三角形 sān jiǎo xíng Pentagon: 五角形 wǔ jiǎo xíng Hexagon: 六角形 liù jiǎo xíng Septagon: 七角形 qī jiǎo xíng Octagon: 八角形 bā jiǎo xíng Circle in Chinese is 圆形 yuán xíng. The literal translate here is “circle shape”. Circle can also just be referred to as 圆 without the 形. Square in Chinese is 方形 fāng xíng. The literal translate here is “square shape”. Rectangle in Chinese is 矩形 jǔ xíng. The literal translate here is “pattern shape”. Notice how all the shapes include the 形 character on the end. Let’s take a look at some 3D shapes: Sphere: 球形 qiú xíng Triangular Prism: 三角棱形 Sānjiǎo léng xíng Cone: 锥体 zhuī tǐ Cylinder: 圆锥体 yuán zhuī tǐ Cube: 立方体 lì fāng tǐ |