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Chinese Lesson: Pronouns
There are just a few pronouns in Mandarin Chinese, and unlike many European languages, there are no subject / verb agreements to worry about. Just a few simple rules tell you everything you need to know about pronouns in Chinese.
Basic Pronouns
These are the pronouns of written Mandarin Chinese.
I, me: 我 (wǒ)
You: 你 (nǐ)
You (formal): 您 (nín) 
He, Him: 他 (tā)
She, Her: 她 (tā)
It: 它 (tā)
You'll notice that there are two ways of saying "you." When speaking to elders or someone in authority, it is more polite to address them formally with 您 (nín) instead of the less formal 你 (nǐ).
While there are six pronouns listed above in written Mandarin, in spoken Mandarin it boils down to just three basic pronouns: I / me, you, he / she / it. This is because 他 / 她 / 它 are all pronounced the same, tā.
Plurals are formed by adding们 at the end of a basic pronoun. This character is pronounced "men." See below:
We, Us: 我们 (wǒ men)
You (plural): 你们 (nǐ men)
They, Them: 他们 (tā men)
Sentence Examples Using Chinese Pronouns
Here are some sentences using pronouns.
我学生 (wǒ shì xuéshēng) = I am a student.
你是学生吗? (nǐ shì xuéshēng ma) = Are you a student?
她是医生。 (tā shì yīshēng) = She is a doctor. 
我们是学生。 (wǒmen shì xuéshēng) = We are students.
他们喜欢咖啡。 (tāmen xǐhuan kāfēi) = They like coffee.
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