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Chinese Grammar: Assessing situations with 看来
看来 (kànlái) can be translated as "apparently" or "it seems" and is used by the speaker to introduce his understanding of a situation.

看来 as "It Seems"
When speaking objectively about a situation, you can simply say 看来 and then state your perspective.
Structure: 看来 + Perspective
看来他不来了,都这么晚了。 (kànlái tā bù lái le, dōu zhème wǎn le) = It seems he's not coming. It's already so late.
看来你玩得不高兴,怎么这么早就回来了? (kànlái nǐ wán de bù gāoxìng, zěnme zhème zǎo jiù huílái le) = It seems you didn't have a good time. Why did you came back so early?
看来我们来晚了,排的队这么长。 (kànlái wǒmen lái wǎn le, pái de duì zhème cháng) = It seems we are late. The line is so long.
看来今年失业率会增加,因为今年的经济不太好。 (kànlái jīnnián shīyè lǜ huì zēngjiā, yīnwèi jīnnián de jīngjì bù tài hǎo) = It seems that the unemployment rate will increase this year because this year's economy is not very good.
现在看来,事情没那么糟。 (xiànzài kànlái, shìqing méi nàme zāo) = Now it looks like things aren't that bad.
看来 as "From X's Perspective"
看来 can also be used to highlight a specific person's point of view. This is like saying "the way he/she sees it..." You can also say 在我看来, which is the longer version of just using 看来. It is used more often that way in formal speaking and writing, as it has more of a feeling like saying, "in my opinion...."
Structure: 在 + Person + 看来 + Perspective
在我看来,不会花钱的人就不会享受生活。 (zài wǒ kànlái, bù huì huā qián de rén jiù bù huì xiǎngshòu shēnghuó) = The way I see it, people who won't spend money don't enjoy life.
在他看来,公司大小不重要,重要的是老板好不好。 (zài tā kànlái, gōngsī dàxiǎo bù zhòngyào, zhòngyào de shì lǎobǎn hǎo bù hǎo) = In his view, the size of the company isn't important. What's important is whether or not the boss is good.
在老板看来,加班才说明你工作积极。 (zài lǎobǎn kànlái, jiābān cái shuōmíng nǐ gōngzuò jījí) = The way the boss sees it, only working overtime means you're proactive in your work.
在朋友看来,这件事并没有这么严重。 (zài péngyou kànlái, zhè jiàn shì bìng méiyǒu zhème yánzhòng) = According to friends, this situation is not very serious at all.
在你看来,这件事要怎么解决? (zài nǐ kànlái, zhè jiàn shì yào zěnme jiějué) = In your opinion, how can this issue be solved?
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