MandarinMorning ChineseSchool
021-5213 9379
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Why is Mandarin Chinese so Important in the Business World ?
The Chinese economy has seen an astronomical boom in recent years and has grown into one of the biggest role-players in the global economy. The country’s economy is considered to be the second largest in the world and has recorded the biggest growth rate averages over the past 30 years. With the largest manufacturing sector, the highest number of exported goods and the world’s fastest growing consumer market it is no wonder that the language has become an essential skill in almost every workforce.

The Chinese market has laid its roots in industries across the board making inter-continental communication par for the course in the globalised economy. From technology to pharmaceuticals, IT to engineering, consumer goods to automobiles, the Chinese corporate sector is an extremely powerful giant in terms of the international world of business, and having the ability to communicate with the major role-players in the Chinese language will help to establish you as a leader in any field.
With over 1.4 billion native speakers, the language has spread across the world and is becoming a popular language choice for westerners who understand the language’s new found importance. While the Chinese language may be considered a new-comer in terms of corporate importance it is obvious that the language is here to stay and will continue to flourish in the fields of business, academics and travel.
Whether you are in the automobile market, the field of pharmaceuticals or science, IT or retail, China is a role-player that will continue to expand and strengthen making a fluency in the language an essential component for your future success. Set yourself as a frontrunner in your desired field and unlock a whole new world of opportunity in both a personal and a professional sense.