MandarinMorning ChineseSchool
021-5213 9379
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Chinese Fable Story: The Donkey of Guizhou
Thousands of years ago, donkeys were not found in Guizhou province. But meddlers were always allured by anything. So they shipped one into this area.

One day, a tiger was walking around to find something to eat, when he saw the strange animal. The huge newcomer frightened him quite a bit. He hid between the bushes to study the donkey watchfully. It seemed all right. So, the tiger came near to the donkey to have a close look. 'Hawhee!'—a loud noise burst upon, which sent the tiger running away as fast as he could. He could not have any time to think before he settled himself home. The humiliation stung in him. He must come back to that strange thing to see it through, even though he was still haunted by the terrible noise.
The donkey was enraged when the tiger got too close. So, the donkey brought his unique skill to bear on the offender—to kick with his hooves. After several bouts, it became very clear that the donkey's power was too much. The tiger jumped upon the donkey in time and cut its throat."
People are usually told the story to illustrate the limitations of tricks and trickery. Cheap tricks never last.
# Our teachers #

More than 10 years teaching experience

Master Degree

Certificate for teaching chinese as a foreign language

# About us #

Founded in 2007

Chinese test and training center

200+ Chinese teachers

5000+ students

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Mandarin Morning

Chinese test center attached to Confucius institute headquarters

Authorized Test Center and Training Center for International Chinese Language Teacher Certificater

10 years+ ,200 teachers ,more 10000 students,200+companies