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Chinese Lesson: Love Vocabulary
Is love the universal language? Maybe – but deep gazes and long sighs only go so far. Eventually the need for practical communication kicks in.
This list of Mandarin Chinese love vocabulary will help. But love vocabulary only covers part of the complicated spectrum of falling in love.
Valentine’s Day
Western holidays such as Christmas and Halloween have gained popularity in Asian countries, and this also extends to Valentine’s Day. Gifts of roses and chocolates are the common ways of saying “I love you” in Mandarin-speaking countries.
But there is also a traditional Chinese Lover’s Day which falls on July 7th of the lunar calendar (August in the Western calendar).
July in the lunar calendar happens to be “Ghost Month” – the time of year when spirits wander the earth. According to legend, the 7th day of the 7th month is the time when the goddess Zhi Nu can be reunited with her earthly lover.
Modern-day lovers celebrate Lover’s Day with gifts of flowers. The number of flowers is significant: one red rose means "you are my only love," eleven roses means "you are a favorite," ninety-nine roses means "I will love you forever," and 108 roses means "marry me."
English Pinyin Simplified
love ài qíng 爱情
boyfriend nán péng you 男朋友
girlfriend nǚ péng you 女朋友
beautiful měi lì 美丽
I love you. Wǒ ài nǐ. 我爱你
dating yuē huì 约会
Will you marry me? Jià gěi wǒ hǎo ma? 嫁给我好吗?
engaged dìng hūn 订婚
marriage jié hūn 结婚
wedding hūn lǐ 婚礼
wedding anniversary jié hūn zhōu nián jì niàn rì 结婚周年纪念日
husband xiān sheng 先生
wife tàitai 太太
lovers qíng lǚ 情侣
Valentine’s Day qíng rén jié 情人节
Valentine’s Day present qíng rén jié lǐwù 情人节礼物
flowers xiān huā 鲜花
chocolate qiǎo kè lì 巧克力
candlight dinner zhú guāng wǎn cān 蠋光晚餐
romantic làng màn 浪漫
happiness xìngfú 幸福
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