MandarinMorning ChineseSchool
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#CHINESELESSON – Learn how to use Chinese Plural
Learning the Chinese Plural displayed below is vital to the language. Chinese Plurals are grammatical numbers, typically referring to more than one of the referent in the real world. In the English language, singular and plural are the only grammatical numbers.
Except for people there is no plural in Chinese, the character men is used for plural, but only for people. Just put 们 men behind a noun denoting people and you have the plural see pronouns! 老师们 lǎo shī men teachers. Here are some examples:
English Plural Chinese Plural
Plural fù shù  - 复数
my book wǒ de shū  - 我的
my books wǒ de shū  - 我的
our daughter wǒ men de  nǚ ér  - 的女儿
our daughters wǒ men de  nǚ ér  - 的女儿
I'm cold wǒ  jué de lěng  - 得冷
we're cold wǒ men  jué de lěng  - 们觉得冷
his chickens tā de jī  - 他的
their chicken tā men de jī  -
Notice the structure of the Plural in Chinese has a logical pattern. Locate the Plural above and see how it works with the rest of the sentence in Mandarin.
Grammar Tips:

While in English, the plural is formed by adding (s) to the singular. In Mandarin, most of the time there is no different plural form,  To indicate plural you usually add number or quanity words:  for example, MA=horse,  yi ge MA (one horse), liang ge MA (two horses), nei xie MA (those horses). hen duo MA (many horses),  The word MA (horse) does not change.  There is a character which is added to personal pronouns or words concerning people which indicates plural; it is  MENWo = I or me, wo MEN= we or us, ta = he, she, him, her or it, ta MEN = they or them.  (It must be remembered from the beginning that Chinese and English are from different families of languages, unlike Spanish and English.  In Chinese there is much less complicated grammar, and some of the grammar does not have English equivalents